Add2it Mailman Free - readme.txt: - Demo Mode: On
# Add2it Mailman Free V1.84   10/24/03 #
# Download at: #
# Copyright 2000-2003 by Frank Bauer   #
# - All Rights Reserved.    #

Contents :

1. Description & Features
2. Add2it Affiliate Program
3. Script Info
4. Copyright Notice
5. Disclaimer
6. Installation Instructions
7. Script History
8. Manual
9. Support Forum
10. Add2it Scripts Update + Announcement List

1. Description & Features :

You can find the most current description and list of features at:

2. Add2it Affiliate Program :

You can find all details about the Affiliate Program and how you can earn up to 50% commissions at:
The Affiliate Program Sign-Up Form is located at:
Affiliates can log-in at:

3. Script Info :

Version:       1.84
Released:      10/24/03
Platform:      Unix & Windows server
Requirements:  Perl 5.0 or higher
               You must have FULL cgi-bin access
               You need to be able to set permissions (only Unix)
               Perl modules:  CGI::Carp, Fcntl, Socket, Time::Local, IO::Socket (A good host will have them all)
Take a look at the online demo at:

4. Copyright Notice :

This scripts is for your use only and you may NOT distribute them to other parties.  
You can install this script per license ONE TIME on ONE server and it is not allowed to make modifications in any way, shape or form to the scripts. has spent 100's of man hours to create a free software to help you - please respect OUR RIGHTS in giving you this software FREE for your unlimited usage, by NOT violating our rights as the sole copyright owners and creators of this scripts.
You may not in any way, shape or form adjust, reprogram or change this scripts.
All coding is copyright Frank Bauer, and is licensed to you for your usage only.  This scripts and all it's components are whole created, owned, and copyrighted
In other words you are only allowed to install and use this scripts ONLY - you may NOT change it, or use any part of it in whole or in part in any other program or any other way, shape or form without permission of
By installing and/or using this scripts you agree to these terms and shall be binding in a court of law - in all countries worldwide - forever.  All people that violate these terms will be dealt with by legal means - any person that informs of a copyright violation, will be rewarded.
Please visit if you require special services at:

5. Disclaimer :

This software is provided as is - will not be held responsible for any loss or damage indirectly or directly caused by your installing and using this scripts in any way, shape or form.  By installing this scripts you agree, completely and absolutely with all terms in this README.TXT file and release from any and all responsibility by you using this scripts.

6. Installation Instructions :

1. To unpack the MMF184.ZIP file, go to the folder where you saved it to and unzip the file into a directory of your choice.

2. If you do not have ZIP decompression software installed on your computer, get it for free at:
3. The installation of this script is simple, no variables or setting need to be adjusted prior to upload.  All settings are accessible online, via the Admin Control Center.

4. The path to Perl within the scripts is set to the typical standard value of /usr/bin/perl.  This path works on 90% of the servers.

If you know that the path to Perl is different on your server, please consult the "Troubleshooting" section below to see in which files the path to Perl has to be changed.
5. This program must be uploaded to your server where your website files are located.

This program is tested on UNIX and WINDOWS server systems.
6. To upload, you will need an FTP program.  Either WS-FTP or CUTE-FTP, free at:
For Macs, you will need a copy of FETCH.
Upload using FRONTPAGE is NOT recommended AND will NOT WORK.
7. Start up your FTP program.  For this example, WS-FTP software program is used.  Other programs will be similar.

All you are doing is moving all files from your local computer to the server where your website files are located, and setting the permissions of to allow the script to be treated like a program.
8. Login into your website account using your FTP username and FTP password.

9. Create a new a new directory for the scripts in your CGI / CGI-BIN folder or somewhere else*.  The recommended name for this new directory is "mmf".  Set the file upload to ASCII only [ASCII mode].

CGI-BIN permissions are set by the server and no attempt should be made to change them.
On some servers you will have to CREATE a CGI-BIN - to do this:
MKDIR cgi-bin
And set the permissions on UNIX systems to 755.
[CHMOD 755 - see below for example.]
* NOTE: If you attempt to install this in a directory other than a CGI/CGI-BIN, even with the proper permissions set on both the FILE and DIRECTORY the files are located in it MAY NOT WORK as some web servers restrict where CGI programs can operate and run.
10. On UNIX systems set permissions on this new folder.

Once created, CHMOD [right click - this will be under settings in other programs, other than WS-FTP] this directory to 755**.
Visually, Setting are as follows [WS-FTP]:
        Owner    USER     Other
READ    [YES]    [YES]    [YES]
WRITE   [YES]    [NO]     [NO]
Some servers MAY require CHMOD 777 or visually, setting are as follows [WS-FTP]:
        Owner    USER     Other
READ    [YES]    [YES]    [YES]
WRITE   [YES]    [YES]    [YES]
** "CHMOD" means change permissions to allow this program to be treated as a program [vs a webpage] and allow it to do certain things.  This is only necessary on UNIX systems.
On some servers, you may have to use a program called TELNET to go and change the settings...
[CHMOD] - consult with your server company for instructions on this - generally speaking most hosting companies have this info in an online instructions manual.
You can also view the online manuals at:
For instructions on TELNET, general uploading of files and setting permissions.
11. Open this folder.

12. Select the folder/directory in your computer where you unzipped the MMF184.ZIP file.

13. Upload the following files in ASCII mode to the new folder on your server:

- .htaccess (upload ONLY if .pl files can't be executed)
- admin.cgi
- ed.cgi
- index.htm
- install.cgi
- liesmich.txt
- sub.cgi
- readme.txt
- unsub.cgi
- data-index.htm
- data-language.dat
- data-auto-index.htm
- data-html-index.htm
- data-lang-index.htm
- data-lang-dutch-language.kit
- data-lang-dutch-language2.kit
- data-lang-dutch-language3.kit
- data-lang-eng-language.kit
- data-lang-eng-language2.kit
- data-lang-eng-language3.kit
- data-lang-ger-language.kit
- data-lang-ger-language2.kit
- data-lang-ger-language3.kit
- data-lists-index.htm
- data-logs-index.htm
14. On UNIX systems, set the permissions of the file.  CHMOD mode it [right click over the script] and also set it to 755 as above.

15. You are now ready to let the file do the rest of the installation process.

Open your browser and call to install the rest of the script.  Depending on where the new directory is located the path could be e.g.: or
All sub-directories will be created automatically, all files will be moved into the proper sub-directories and on Unix systems all file and directory permissions will be
adjusted automatically.
If there is any problem, the script will let you know what it is.
16. Then call to setup the script.  All necessary variables will be set.  Please enter the URL to the directory where the scripts are located, choose if you want all outgoing emails to be send with Sendmail (Unix) or with your SMTP server (Unix or Windows), enter the administrators name, email address and password.  Modify all other settings as you like.

17. Now you need to enter your order number as well as your order password for this script.  Please enter them to finish the registration.

18. Next the setting for your first list need to be entered.

...All done!

Note:  You can update from the free to the standard or the pro version as well as from any earlier version to the most current version at any time without losing any of your settings, lists or subscribers.  Just upload the pro version files as mentioned in that versions readme.txt file and leave all other files on your server as they are.

Troubleshooting :

1. First, if you get an error - make sure you uploaded all files in ASCII format only.  Uploading in BINARY will corrupt the files.

2. If you attempt to run the script, and get a server error double check you set the permissions as shown above on both the DIRECTORY the script is uploaded to AND the FILE - if you still get an error try CHMODing the DIRECTORY ONLY to 777 [visually, all permissions are "YES"], then re-try the script initialization.

If necessary, adjust the path to Perl within these files:
- admin.cgi
- ed.cgi
- install.cgi
- sub.cgi
- unsub.cgi
At the top of each script (and it must remain as the first line) is a default path to the Perl program on your host server.  This can vary slightly between UNIX servers.  If you have problems running the scripts, check with your host support staff about the correct path described in this line.  The default entry is "#!/usr/bin/perl" and another common variation is "#!/usr/local/bin/perl".  In Perl scripts the hash sign "#" character comments out the code on a line starting with this character.  Here it has a special meaning to Perl.
NOTE:  If you attempt to install this in a directory other than a CGI/CGI-BIN, even with the proper permissions set on both the FILE and DIRECTORY the files are located in it MAY NOT WORK as some web servers restrict where CGI programs can operate and run.
3. Upon initialization "I can't create this file" - This means the permissions are wrong on the DIRECTORY only - the one you created to upload the files to.  Check as noted above in number 2.

4. I try to send a message and get a server error.

This means the SENDMAIL or SMTP server settings are incorrect for your script.  Click on "Change the settings of Add2it Mailman Free", and check the SENDMAIL or SMTP server settings.  Consult with your web hosting company for the CORRECT SENDMAIL or SMTP server settings for your server.
5. For all other troubling shooting and questions visit:
6. If you would like to have this script installed on your website, please order the Installation Service at:

7. Script History :

You can find the Script History online at:

8. Manual of Add2it Mailman Free :

8.1 The administrator needs the script to:

- Send a personalized message to a list (up to 5,000 subscribers in Add2it Mailman Free, 20,000 in Add2it Mailman Standard and unlimited in Add2it Mailman Pro)
  - Choose a list (up to 10 lists in Add2it Mailman Free, 20 in Add2it Mailman Standard and unlimited in Add2it Mailman Pro)
  - Enter the senders email address, the senders name and the subject of the message.  Choose if you like to send this message as a HTML email and enter the text of the message.
  - Within the subject and the text of the message you can use the following tags:
    <fname> - first name of the receiver
    <lname> - last name of the receiver
    <email> - email address of the receiver
    <misc1> - fourth field of the receiver
    <list> - filename of the list
    <listtitle> - title of the list
- Add subscribers manually to a list (up to 5,000 subscribers in Add2it Mailman Free, 20,000 in Add2it Mailman Standard and unlimited in Add2it Mailman Pro)
  - one subscriber at the time
    - You have to enter the email address.  The first name, last name and the fourth field are, depending on how you chose the settings of the list, eventually optional.
  - several subscriber at once (import lists)
    - Choose a format and which symbol delimits each field of a list of subscribers
    - Enter a list of subscribers
      Note: One subscriber per line and each field has to be delimited with the provided symbol.
- Count how many subscribers each list has
- Remove subscribers manually from a list
  - one or more subscriber at the time (remove whole lists)
    Note: One email address per line.
- Add new lists (up to 10 lists in Add2it Mailman Free, 20 in Add2it Mailman Standard and unlimited in Add2it Mailman Pro)
  - Choose a title for your list (e.g. More4you Newsletter)
  - Choose a filename for your list (e.g. m4u)
    Note: Each list must have a unique filename and all spaces will be converted to dashes.
  - Choose a name for the fourth field (e.g. How did you find out about this newsletter?)
  - choose if you want any of the following options:
    Send copy of subscribe request to admin? Yes or No
    Send copy of unsubscribe request to admin? Yes or No
    Send copy of edit request to admin? Yes or No
    Is the first name required? Yes or No
    Is the last name required? Yes or No
    Is the 4th field required? Yes or No
    Is the subscriber allowed to edit his/her email address? Yes or No
    Is the subscriber allowed to edit his/her first name? Yes or No
    Is the subscriber allowed to edit his/her last name? Yes or No
    Is the subscriber allowed to edit his/her 4th field? Yes or No
- View and delete the log file of a list (up to 10 lists in Add2it Mailman Free, 20 in Add2it Mailman Standard and unlimited in Add2it Mailman Pro)
- Delete a list
- Ban email addresses from your lists
  - Enter the email addresses
    Note: One email address per line.
  - Choose the type of the ban (admin or requested)
- Get the HTML code of a list (up to 10 lists in Add2it Mailman Free, 20 in Add2it Mailman Standard and unlimited in Add2it Mailman Pro)
- View and edit the source of a list (up to 5,000 subscribers in Add2it Mailman Free, 20,000 in Add2it Mailman Standard and unlimited in Add2it Mailman Pro)
- Edit the options of a list (up to 10 lists in Add2it Mailman Free, 20 in Add2it Mailman Standard and unlimited in Add2it Mailman Pro)
  - When should the administrator get email copies of what is happening?
  - Are subscribers allowed to edit their own data (First name, last name, email address and miscellaneous field)?
  - Which fields are required for new subscribers?
- Change the settings of Add2it Mailman Free
  - Choose your preferred language
  - URL of directory in which the script files are located
  - Path to sendmail (Unix) or
  - SMTP server and port address (Unix and Windows)
    Note: Enter only one of the above, either the path to sendmail OR the SMTP server and port address.
  - Maximum time for each manual subscription, unsubscriptions or messages send process at each run.  Decrease value if your server stops early.  Enter time in seconds (2 to 20).
  - Subject of subscribe and unsubscribe messages
  - At "New Message Line" type you should choose "RFC 822 compatible" only if you get an error message like "Message not accepted for delivery: 451 See "" or "Bare LF detected" when the script tries to send an email.
  - Name and email address of administrator
  - If you are a member of the Add2it Affiliate Program, enter your ID here to show all links with your id
  - Change password of admin center
Please call with:
    (preferred language)
    (any other language)

8.2 The subscriber needs the ed.cgi / script to:
- change the data somebody submitted when somebody subscribed

They call ed.cgi / with this links:<list>=<email><list>=<email>
    (preferred language)
    (any other language)

8.3 The subscriber needs the script to:
- automatically subscribe to a list
They can call with this links:<list>=!FLM
    (preferred language)
    (any other language)
A form will ask the new subscriber for:
F = First name, L = Last name, M = 4th field (Misc.)
(+ all required fields)
The administrator can use any or all letters in any order.
or they can call with this links:<list>=<email>
    (preferred language)
    (any other language)
The subscriber will not be asked any additional question and will be right away subscribed to the list.
or they can call with this links:<list>=<misc1>
    (preferred language, ignores required fields)
    (any other language, ignores required fields)
A form will be ask the subscriber for his / her email address, first name and last name.  "News-Ad-No.3" will automatically be written in the 4th field.
or the administrator can provide this form on a web site:
<form method="POST" action="">
<p>Email address: <input type="text" name="email" size="20">
<br>First name: <input type="text" name="fname" size="20">
<br>Last name: <input type="text" name="lname" size="20">
<br>4th field: <input type="text" name="misc1" size="20"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="subscribe">
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="<list>">
<p><input type="submit" value="Add Address"></p>
The administrator can remove the input tag of any field which data the subscriber doesn't have to provide.
To select any other language than the preferred language just add this input tag:
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="<language-sub-dir>">
e.g. <input type="hidden" name="language" value="ger">

There are some discussion of the new California and European spam laws and how it affects publishers. As such, there should be a checkbox that indicates a new subscriber understands that the publication contains commercial advertisements from the publisher and third party advertisers that must be checked before a person can complete their subscription.
Is this something that you could easily add to the form for subscribing with Add2it Mailman Free?
You can read more here:
While thinking about how I can best add that feature, I found a simply solution that works with all versions of Add2it Mailman Free. :)
Simply add the following HTML code to your signup form:
<script language=JavaScript>
function CheckForm() {
  if (form.confirm.checked != true) {
    alert("You didn't confirm that you understand that the publication contains commercial advertisements from the publisher and third party advertisers.");
    return false;
// -->
<input type="checkbox" name="confirm" value="Confirm"> I understand that the publication contains commercial advertisements from the  publisher and third party advertisers.
And change the <form method="POST" action=""> tag to:
<form method="POST" action="" name=form onSubmit="return CheckForm()">
Then people can only subscribe, when they confirm that they understand that the publication contains commercial advertisements from the  publisher and third party advertisers.

8.4 The subscriber needs the unsub.cgi / script to:
- automatically unsubscribe from a list
They can call unsub.cgi / with this links:<list>=<email><list>=<email>
    (preferred language)
    (any other language)

or the administrator can provide this form on a web site:
<form method="POST" action="">
<p>Email address: <input type="text" name="email" size="20"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="unsubscribe">
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="<list>">
<p><input type="submit" value="Remove Address"></p>
To select any other language than the preferred language just add this input tag:
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="<language-sub-dir>">
e.g. <input type="hidden" name="language" value="ger">

9. Support Forum :

You can find the Add2it Mailman Free Support Forum at:

10. Add2it Scripts Update + Announcement List :

You can subscribe to the Add2it Scripts Update + Announcement List at:!FLM

# Add2it Mailman Free V1.84   10/24/03 #
# Download at: #
# Copyright 2000-2003 by Frank Bauer   #
# - All Rights Reserved.    #

Add2it Mailman Free 1.84
[ Read Manual | Affiliate Program | Sign-Up | Login ]
© 2000-2024 by Frank Bauer

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